Simple Events Calendar 1.3.5 WordPress Plugin – Sql Injection

Homepage: Description: Type user acces: administrator user. $_POST[‘event_id’] is not escaped. File / Code: Path Request: /wp-content/plugins/simple-events-calendar/simple-events-calendar.php Line :  467 $edit_event = $_POST[‘event_id’]; $update = $wpdb->get_results( ” SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id = $edit_event “, “ARRAY_A” ); Proof of Concept: 1 – Log in with administrator user. 2 …

JTRT Responsive Tables 4.1 – WordPress Plugin – Sql Injection

Homepage: Description: Type user acces: registered single user. $_POST[‘tableId’] is not escaped. File / Code: Path: /wp-content/plugins/jtrt-responsive-tables/admin/class-jtrt-responsive-tables-admin.php Line :  183 $getTableId = $_POST[‘tableId’]; … $retrieve_data = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT * FROM $jtrt_tables_name WHERE jttable_IDD = ” . $getTableId ); Proof of Concept: 1 – Log in with single user. 2 …

Protecting Your WordPress Code of Sql Injection Part 1

Introduction: Some time ago I have dedicated to researching about security and vulnerabilities of WordPress plugins. And the result as we can see below is very satisfactory. I have posted and helped the community to stay a bit more secure. WpVull, site that lists vulnerabilities with a focus on WordPress. …

WP Vault – Local File Inclusion

Homepage: Description: Type user access: any user. $_GET[“wpv-image”] is not escaped in include file. File / Code: Path: /wp-content/plugins/wp-vault/trunk/wp-vault.php Line: 228 include(dirname(__FILE__) . “/images/” . $_GET[“wpv-image”]); if (isset($_GET[“wpv_file_id”])) { include(dirname(__FILE__) . “/wpv-file-handler.php”); exit; } else if (isset($_POST[“wpv-tooltip”])) { include(dirname(__FILE__) . “/ajax-response/wpv-tooltip.php”); exit; } else if (isset($_GET[“wpv-image”])) { include(dirname(__FILE__) . “/images/” …

WA Form Builder 1.1- Sql Injection

Homepage: Description: Type user access: any user. $_POST[ ‘wa_forms_Id’ ] is not escaped. WAFormBuilder_ui_output() is accessible for any user. File / Code: Path: /wp-content/plugins/wa-form-builder/main.php Line: 779 global $wpdb; echo ‘SELECT * FROM ‘.$wpdb->prefix.’wap_wa_form_builder WHERE Id = ‘.$_REQUEST[‘wa_forms_Id’]; $form_attr = $wpdb->get_row(‘SELECT * FROM ‘.$wpdb->prefix.’wap_wa_form_builder WHERE Id = ‘.$_REQUEST[‘wa_forms_Id’]); $user_fields .= ‘<table width=”100%” …

Sirv 1.3.1 Plugin For WordPress

Homepage: Description: $_POST[ ‘id’ ] is not escaped. sirv_get_row_by_id() is accessible for every registered user. File / Code: add_action(‘wp_ajax_sirv_get_row_by_id’, ‘sirv_get_row_by_id’); function sirv_get_row_by_id(){ if(!(is_array($_POST) && isset($_POST[‘row_id’]) && defined(‘DOING_AJAX’) && DOING_AJAX)){ return; } global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . ‘sirv_shortcodes’; $id = $_POST[‘row_id’]; $row = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id …

755 and 644 ? Hacking in shared servers. How they are treating our system.

This is a first post written in English and probably have a grammatical error but talk to me and I set. Obeservation: This article will show two sides of the coin. One side, teatching the badness (using a tool that is in my github), other side, teach how we can mitigate the …

Mais uma da Sony, agora vazam telefone e dados de celebridades ligados a empresa

O ataque maciço contra pirataria Sony Pictures Entertainment chegou a uma fase mais assustador, outro enorme vazamento de documentos confidenciais, sensíveis revelando detalhes de celebridades , contato e roteiros de filmes futuros. O chamado Guardians of Peace (GOP) grupo assumir a responsabilidade pelo ataque massivo contra a Sony Pictures Entertainment …

Em investigação inédita, PF faz operação contra pedofilia em 18 estados

A Polícia Federal cumpre, na manhã desta quarta-feira (15/10), mais de 100 mandados de busca e apreensão, de prisão e de condução coercitiva em 18 estados e no Distrito Federal. A ação faz parte da Operação Darknet, que apura crimes de armazenamento e divulgação de imagens de abuso sexual de …

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